
講義名 Tourism
(副題) Tourism
開講責任部署 金沢星稜大学
講義開講時期 第4クォーター 講義区分 週間授業
基準単位数 2 時間 0.00
代表曜日 火曜日 代表時限 3時限
校地 G館校地
学部 人文学部
配当年次 2年次
講義日 火/3,金/3
単位数 2単位

専任教員◎ 川澄 厚志金沢星稜大学経済学部

授業意図 This lecture will be delivered basically in English. The course is to discuss about tourism how we understand it comprehensively and get ideas of it in future. History, culture, resource, policy, community development and transportation in the world are presented to lead a substantial concept of tourism studies. Simultaneously changeable tourism in the currency of globalization is taken up for discussion. So students will be divided to some working groups to present tourism case studies that demonstrate progress in tourism studies.
科目の具体目標 1 To understand the concepts and technical words of tourism studies.
2 The goal of this course is to understand how to use images with comprehensive of Tourism.
3 To present tourism case studies that demonstrate progress in tourism issues of global world.
履修条件 The course will take special issue each time for class. All the students are recommended to get a certain sense of case studies in tourism. Participants are also requested brief comments on each lecture.
第1回Instructed in the class.OrientationTo introduce concepts and tools of tourism.
第2回Instructed in the class.History of Tourism To understand history of tourism.
第3回Instructed in the class.Tourism and cultureTo understand tourism and culture.
第4回Instructed in the class.Tourism and policyTo understand tourism and policy.
第5回Instructed in the class.Tourism and informationTo understand tourism and information.
第6回Instructed in the class.Tourism and transportationTo understand tourism and transportation.
第7回Instructed in the class.Case study 1 ( Inbound tourism)To understand inbound tourism.
第8回Instructed in the class.Case study 2 (Outbound tourism)To understand outbound tourism.
第9回Instructed in the class.Community based tourism 1To understand community based tourism.
第10回Instructed in the class.Community based tourism 2To understand community based tourism.
第11回Instructed in the class.Sustainable Development and tourismTo understand sustainable tourism.
第12回Instructed in the class.Heritage tourismTo understand heritage tourism.
第13回Instructed in the class.Ecotourism and green tourismTo understand tool and new concepts of tourism.
第14回Instructed in the class.Final presentation (review reporting) by studentsFinal presentation by students.
第15回Instructed in the class.ConclusionTo Understand changeable tourism in the currency of globalization.
成績評価1(方法・割合・留意事項) Evaluation of the students is based on the short reports every week (60%) and the long reports once or twice a quarter (40%). Report and test ask for student’s understanding on the achievement to be expected mentioned above.
留意事項 Discussion will be needed by working groups before and after of lecture.
教科書・参考書 Reference books will be introduced as needed.
メールアドレス kawasumi@seiryo-u.ac.jp